参加对象: Who should attend
设备管理工程师、技术质量工程师等Production managers, on-site supervisors,
production engineers, equipment engineers, quality engineers.
课程目标: Course Objectives
进的生产运作管理模式和管理方法,建立具有竞争力的一流制造企业。By the
intensive training, case study, and guided discuss, the audiences should know about
the theory of lean production, master the core tools and skills of lean production,
make a strong foundation for lean production implementing. And also the audiences
could use updating operation management skills to enhance production management
level for build a world class manufacturer.
课程大纲:Course Outlines
� 精益生产的概念和基本原则 The concept and principle of lean production
− 精益生产的历史:TPS 及其演变The history of lean production: TPS and its
− 精益生产的原则: 价值和浪费;快速响应客户The principle of lean
production: Value and Muda, quick response
− 精益生产的思想: 提升员工的素质和持续改善Lean production thinking:
Seek perfect and continuous improvement
− 七大浪费 7-Muda
− 精益生产的组织:小组工作法The organization of lean production: Group
job methods
� 精益生产的基础—5S The fundamental of lean production—5S
− 5S 的含义:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养The meaning of 5S: SEIRI,
− 5S 的推行方法The implement methods for 5S
− 5S 的实务技巧5S implement skills
− 5S 实施过程的优化5S implement process optimizing
� 精 益 生 产 的 理 论 基 础 : 工 业 工 程 The theoretical principle of Lean
production-Industrial Engineering
− 工业工程解决问题的思路:方法研究与时间研究 Industrial engineering
problem-solving ideas : methods study and time study
− 程序研究 process study
− 作业分析 job analysis
− 动作研究 motion analysis
� 价值流分析:寻找生产系统的浪费 Value stream analysis: Find the waste of
production systems
− 原始状态图的分析 Analysis of the original state diagram
− 未来状态图的形成 The formation of the future state map
第 2 页共 2 页
慧 慧澳企业管理咨询有限公司
Heal-All Consulting Inc.
− 改善计划与实施 Improve the planning and implementation
� 准时化生产的基础—流线化生产The fundamental of JIT production-Flow
− 流线化生产与批量生产的区别 The differences between flow production
and batch manufacturing
− 流线化生产的八个条件 8-condition for flow production
− 单元设计 Cellular layout
− 流线化生产的设备选择 Equipment selecting for flow production
� 看板管理 Kanban management
− 什么是看板 What is Kanban
− 看板的实施方法 The implement methods for Kanban
− 实施看板管理的限制条件 The limited condition of Kanban management
� 快速换线 SMED
− 快速换线的理念 The idea of SMED
− 内部作业与外部作业的分离 Separate the operation between outside and
− 将内部作业转化为外部作业 Turn the inside operation to outside operation
− 作业的优化 Operation optimizing
� 精益生产的设备管理—TPM Equipment management in lean production—TPM
− TPM 的概念和发展The concept and development of TPM
− 故障的种类与预防 Breakdown types and its prevention
− TPM 的设备基础管理Equipment essential management of TPM
− TPM 的八大支柱8 columns of TPM
− TPM 实施的十三步骤13 phases for TPM implementing
� 精益生产的质量管理 Lean Quality Management
− 应用精益生产的思想进行质量控制 Utilizing lean manufacturing thinking
to control quality
− SPC 的概念the concept of SPC
− 防错法 Poka-yoke
课时 Duration:2 天,每天6 小时2-days, 6-hour per day